Environmental, animal and plant forensic genetics
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Who are we?
Artwork: C. Jan
The Wildlife and Environmental DNA Forensics Laboratory (WEDF) is managed by the Swiss Human Institute of Forensic Taphonomy (SHIFT) of the Centre universitaire Romand de Médecine Légale (CURML) at the University of Lausanne (UNIL). The WEDF maintains privileged relations with the Laboratoire de Biologie de la Conservation (LBC) of the Département Ecologie et Evolution (DEE) and with the Ecole des Sciences Criminelles (ESC) within UNIL. The WEDF laboratory is under the direction of Dr. Vincent Varlet and the scientific supervision of Dr. Luca Fumagalli. We draw on over twenty years of expertise acquired in the context of forensic expertise (trafficking, property damage, etc.) or more generally in relation to forensic animal, plant and environmental genetics.
The WEDF team of SHIFT is under the operational responsibility of Dr. Luca Fumagalli.
• Samples :
Samples can be sent by simple mail, but care must be taken to ensure that tubes containing liquid are well sealed (see sampling procedures).
If you have any questions regarding sample submission or collection, please contact us prior to submission:
Dr Luca Fumagalli
+41 21 692 41 72
Our address for sending analysis and sample requests:
Dr Luca Fumagalli
WEDF – SHIFT / LBC – Département d’Ecologie et d’Evolution
Quartier UNIL – Sorge
Bâtiment Biophore
CH-1015 Lausanne
• General inquiries should be addressed to:
Dr Luca Fumagalli Dr Vincent Varlet
Responsable scientifique WEDF - SHIFT Direction WEDF - SHIFT
+41 21 692 41 72 + 41 021 314 38 42
Luca.fumagalli@unil.ch vincent.varlet@chuv.ch
Secrétariat SHIFT
+41 21 314 03 37
Adresse du SHIFT
Swiss Human Institute of Forensic Taphonomy
Centre Universitaire Romand de Médecine Légale
Ch. de la Vulliette 4
CH-1000 Lausanne 25