Unit of Forensic Medicine




The URMF is part of the Forensic Medicine and Imaging Section (SMIF

Main tasks

The Unité romande de médecine forensique (URMF) carries out, at the request of the judicial authorities, forensic examinations that help solve criminal or civil investigations. It is the link between the medical field and the judicial world.

The URMF also receives special mandates. These are mainly requests for expert opinions from national and international institutions (individuals, lawyers, national and international institutions). But it can also act in special circumstances such as in the identification of victims of mass disasters of natural (landslides, tsunami, etc.) or human origin (transport accidents, victims of conflicts, etc.).

Fields of activity

he main fields of activity of the RMU are thanatological examinations (autopsy), clinical expertise (findings of traumatic injuries and sexual assault) and file-based expertise. The unit also provides pre/post-graduate and continuing education in relation to various professions (physicians, paramedics, magistrates, lawyers, police officers, etc.), and is also active in the field of forensic medicine research.

In terms of prevention and public health, the early detection of a toxic substance in the body (e.g. carbon monoxide) can prevent further poisoning. The detection of a hereditary genetic disease in a deceased person allows the search for the same genetic trait in other family members and thus makes it possible to set up a treatment.

Staff and intercantonal agreements of collaboration

  • The Unité romande de Médecine Forensique (URMF) is located on two sites (Lausanne and Geneva) and includes the forensic histopathology and immunohistochemistry laboratory (on the Geneva site).
  • Since From April 2012, within the framework of a new agreement with the Valais, a forensic medicine unit was opened in Sion within the Valais Hospital. Apart from autopsies, a large part of the tasks of the forensic pathology unit are carried out on site by Dr. Bettina Schrag who, in addition to holding the position of assistant physician at the Health Network of Valais (RSV), maintains an affiliation with the URMF.
  • External examinations and autopsies entrusted to CURML by the public prosecutors' offices of the cantons of Fribourg and Neuchâtel are carried out at the CURML site in Lausanne.
  • In the canton of Ticino, physicians from the URMF have contributed to the training of primary care physicians in forensic medicine for the management of body removal.

Head of the french-speaking unit of forensic medicine (URMF): Prof. Dr Tony Fracasso

Lausanne site employees
Physician FMH  Tony Fracasso (manager)
Claudia Castiglioni (operational manager) 
Katarzyna Michaud
Pia Genet
Emilienne Descloux 
Jean-Loup Gassend
Christelle Voland
Physician in chief
Senior Physician
Associate Physician 
Chief Resident
Chief Resident 
Chief Resident 
Chief Resident
Residents  Alessia Carminati
Said Saadi (UIAF)
Esteban Liard
Sacha Allard-Demoustiez
Agata Oppizzi (Pathology)
Margaux Zarattin 
Mohamed Yassine Braham
Samira Gomri
Lisa Vouillamoz
Arthur Weber
Preparators Michael Ferez
Stéphanie Leveque
Vicky Singy
Benoit Faivre 
Secretaries Catherine Oberson
Jennifer Schenk
Claire Badoux
Agnès Chapuis
Geneva site employees
Physician FMH Tony Fracasso (manager)
Christelle Lardi (operational manager)
Coraline Egger
Sara Sabatasso
France Evain
Diego Aguiar
Associate Senior Physician
Senior Physician
Senior Physician
Associate Physician
Chief Resident
Chief Resident
Residents Valentin Marti
Kelly Cunha Rodrigues
Aude Esposito-Fava (UIAF)
Frédérique Thicot 
Marouchka Gerth
Alicia Boz
Amal Mosbahi
Eugénie Lanthemann
Marketa Cespivova
Javan Helbling
Fares Azzouz
Resident in external training

  Eloïse Sattonnay (UPFFEA)
Preparators Guy Jaquier
Maud Audrey Joubin
Thierry Heude
Achille Schweizer
Morgue Manager Simon Rappo  
Histopathology laboratory
Catia Pomponio
Cindy Ramadoo
Sandrine Vianin
Secretaries Annick Crockett
Cédric Hischier
Laura Rey

The URMF also welcomes trainees for varying periods of time, including medical students and foreign doctors specializing in forensic medicine.


  • Autopsy room with an operating microscope
  • Optical microscops
  • CT-Scan and MRI investigations are carried out by the UIAF unit.