Faculty Unit of Anatomy and Morphology (UFAM)
The "Unité Facultaire d'Anatomie et de Morphologie" (UFAM), formerly the "Platform of Morphology", is a unit of CURML since January 1, 2019. The UFAM is mainly a teaching unit, located at Rue du Bugnon 9, in Lausanne, in the building of the Department of Fundamental Neurosciences (DNF) of the Faculty of Biology and Medicine of the University of Lausanne (FBM).
The mission of the UFAM is to ensure the teaching of anatomy, histology and embryology within the FBM. It ensures the teaching of these disciplines within the framework of biomedical training for:
- Medical students: pre-graduate courses in the School of Medicine.
- Residents : post-graduate courses, FMH training.
- Medical specialists: continuous training.
- Students of the Passerelle program.
- Students from the School of Biology: pre-graduate training.
- The different specialties of the HESAV (Haute École de Santé Vaud).
- Sports teachers.
Fields of activity
The activities of the Unit are mainly focused on:
- pre- and post-graduate teaching in the fields of morphology,
- management of body donations necessary for teaching (Body donation document ),
- research and development of teaching tools in morphology, clinical and pathological anatomy, promoting collaborations between universities and hospitals.
The teaching is ensured by the endowment of a dissection room, a multimedia histology room, a virtual histology platform (Cytomine), as well as by the logistics and the preparation of anatomical specimens and by a close collaboration with different clinical services of the University Hospital of Vaud (CHUV).
The UFAM also welcomes PhD and Master students for thesis and diploma work.
Twelve people are employed by the platform:
6 teachers specialized in morphology (Julien Puyal, Hugues Cadas, Michel Kielar, Sandor Kasas, Stella Fahrni, Sara Sabatasso), including one research associate (Aleksandra Aljakna Khan),
- 2 preparators for the anatomical specimens (Isabelle Raymond, Vincent De Bonis),
- 1 MRT (medical radiology technician) for anatomical specimens and for post-mortem imaging (Sami Schranz),
- 2 secretaries (Karen Logoz, Obdulia Mathis).
Responsible for the UFAM: Dr. med. Sara Sabatasso, MD, Associate Professor PAST-PTC.
Secretariat phone numbers: Karen Logoz (021 692 55 15), Obdulia Mathis (body donation : 021 692 52 50).
E-mail : info_ufam@unil.ch
- dissection room,
- multimédia histology room,
- virtual histology platform (Cytomine),
- light microscopes,
- post-mortem imaging examinations (CT-Scan, Virtangio®, surface scan, MRI) performed in collaboration with the UIAF (Forensic Imaging and Anthropology Unit) of the CURML,
- 3D printer.